기반 이미지/비디오에서 객체 탐지, 불량품 감지, 패턴 식별
AI-driven in images and videos
- Object detection
- Defect identification
- Pattern recognition
Image and Video Databases
Camera and Capture
Annotation Formats
White Forest
Intergrate your favorite tools with us
Edge and Cloud Deployment
Internal System
Training Frameworks
Manufacturing Industry
Defect detection in production lines to enhance quality control.
생산 라인에서 결함을 감지하여 품질 관리를 향상합니다.
Medical & Healthcare
Early disease detection through medical image analysis.
의료 영상 분석을 통해 조기 질병 진단을 지원합니다.
Object and package tracking for efficient supply chain management.
효율적인 공급망 관리를 위한 객체 및 패키지 추적.
Reliable AI for industrial innovation.
Customizable solutions tailored to meet specific industry needs.
특정 산업 요구에 맞춘 맞춤형 솔루션을 제공합니다.